Transportation Advisory Committee

The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) was established as part of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation planning process and is staffed and supported by the Commission. The purpose of the TAC shall be to provide technical advice and policy recommendations regarding transportation planning issues to the Commission. TAC representatives are the liaison between the TAC and municipalities within the region or the agency they represent.  

The TAC is responsible for creating and amending the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) to address a long-term vision for growth in the Region as it pertains to the transportation network. The RTP serves as the official Regional policy statement that helps guide statewide transportation funding decisions.

The TAC adopts the RTP and recommends it to the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission (Commission). The RTP is updated every five years along with the Regional Plan.

The TAC is also responsible for prioritizing regional transportation projects for inclusion in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program for New Hampshire.

Members of the TAC are appointed by the municipal legislative/governing body of members of the Commission. The TAC may appoint at-large members as well, that may include representation from a wide array of transportation/land use related agencies or groups.

Learn More About the Transportation Advisory Committee