
Through the regional planning process transportation should focus on advancing regional transportation planning and the development of transportation networks including the expansion of transportation choices, including quality bus service, light rail, regional rail, ridesharing, express bus lanes, shuttle services, complete streets, bicycle and pedestrian pathways, and programs that offer alternatives to driving alone, such as rideshare or public transit incentives. Transportation plans should also address needed investments in street, highway, and transit infrastructure to support and complement those transportation choices with state-of-good-repair priorities. Activities should be designed to ensure improved air quality, reduced per capita greenhouse gas and particulate emissions, reduced travel times, greater transit supportive development (incorporating, to the degree possible, the full range of housing affordable to all ranges of family income), reduced runoff from roads, improved service for historically marginalized populations, and viable alternatives to automobile ownership. Transportation investments that have the potential to increase land values and ultimately elevate housing prices should demonstrate intentional strategies to prevent residential and small business displacement. Activities should prioritize access for the elderly and persons with disabilities to public transportation and other travel modes, as well as planning for the creation/expansion of appropriate par transit services.

The Transportation Advisory Committee will be responsible for oversight of this portion of the Regional Plan. 

Increasing awareness for energy efficiency and green building helps cut costs and reduces waste. Residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional building energy usage will be reduced by closely monitoring its use to eventually reach a target of reduced energy use.